Start shaving strokes off your game TODAY!
Tired of dragging along a friend to hold the phone and record your golf swing? And then realize they didn't film it correctly? Or carefully balancing your phone on random piece of furniture, only to have it fall just as you make that perfect swing? Well, we have the answer for you. Simply click the phone caddie to any club in your bag or a directional stink, line up your shot and film!
Voted the top innovative product by the PGA, this is one of the top aides to help in lowering your handicap.
Give yourself the ability to analyze every swing. We all know, minor adjustments can help reduce stroke. Is your swing plane off and you didn't know? Now you can if that's the case. Or maybe you're coming over the top, bringing a slice and limiting your distance. Let your phone show you where you need to make changes! Use to track drivers and irons as well as putting.